As a high school student in 2004 I stayed with a family in Nicaragua for two weeks as part of a student exchange for our sister island assoication ( BOSIA ). That trip has opened so many doors in my life not to mention led me half way around the world to study spanish, fall in love, and get married, to mention a few. And the most amazing part is that in three weeks I return full circle. This time around my husband and I will be leading a group of students and staying in a town called Sacramento, only a 15 minutes bike ride from my original town of La Paloma. Students from Bainbridge take two weeks to serve, build community, and make friends disconnecting from the world of ipods and cars. Day in and day out they connect with local, geuine people, spend evenings chatting in Spanish, sit on neighbors porches exchanging culture, and see a life truely beyond what they know and expect. And now the world of Social Media jumps in! I have kept in touch with my family through letters here an...
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